Puppy Socialization Classes

WoofBeach Bay – Puppy Socialization Classes – 2124 West Galena Boulevard – Aurora – Call 630-686-8050

Is your puppy between six weeks and six months old? If so, that’s the ideal age range to enroll in Puppy Socialization Classes now available WoofBeach Bay. In this fun and informative class, your puppy will benefit by:

-Being around and interacting with other puppies in a safe and supervised environment. Our expert trainers lead the class by teaching your puppy listening skills as well as how be respectful of their fellow their classmates. Puppies learn to take part in appropriate, normal playtime that is healthy for them!

-Puppies get exposure to some basic obedience skills like when to come when they’re called, avoid excessive barking and how to walk on a leash.

-As a puppy owner, you’ll learn helpful information about communicating with your new dog, which is essential for enhancing the bond between you.

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